C. A Lie Cannot Live! -by Sunshine

A Lie Cannot Live!

By: Sunshine

I believe that we have brought a lot on our heads here in this country because we have not been practicing true equality. How dare we go to another nation and try to show them peace when there is such inequality here on our own soil. The leaders of this country need to come to terms with the move of change that is on the horizon and that is here. There is no way that this country can remain while standing on the principles it has been. Lies… Lies… Lies. WAKE UP! The leaders are asleep if they think that the wool that has been pulled over the eyes of many is not wearing thin… O what fools! What fools.

This nation is crying for equality. This is why the white, the Hispanic, the Latino’s and all races are supporting Obama. We are crying for change. My tears and screams proudly and fiercely join them. We must be one or we are nothing. A lie cannot live.

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